$ Price Check $ Dream Beauties Mane Waves Crystaline Stardazzle


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 9, 2005
I've decided to sell these 3. How much do they go for?
Mane Waves has some yellowing patches on her face and body. I should be getting one of her hair replacement pieces soon so that should be added to the value.


Id say right now $20-$45 for stardazzle depending on exact condition, $30-$50 for crystalline, and $45-$60 for Manewaves :) If your willing to sell just the hair plugs for manewaves id be interested :)
I got my Mane Waves for about $5, but she's worth upwards of $20, possibly $30+ in good condition with her hair accessory.

Stardazzle and Crystalline have had really varied prices, from what I've seen on Ebay. I saw a Crystalline sell for $5 one day, and $30 the next. Same with Stardazzle, only she's not as rare or sought after as Crystalline.

Dream Beauty prices really tend to fluctuate.. it's hard to pin down an exact price for them. My suggestions would be Stardazzle: $10 (poor condition) to $25 (great condition). Crystalline: $12 (poor condition) to $30 (great condition). And Mane Waves $15 (poor condition) to $35 (great condition). And of course, added value for intact accessories.
I'd be interested in crystalline if you decide to sell her! She's the only one in the shimmering set that I need! They're so pretty. :)