Custom G3 Jelly Curl with accessories


Dollar Store Baby Fakie
Jun 7, 2005
Jelly Curl was made from a Butterscotch rehaired with Restoredoll' purple (can't think of the name right off). The hair was curled using hot water, so no icky chemicals ;) Her symbol and eyes were hand painted with acrylics and sealed. Her accessories are made from Apoxie Sculpt and Sculpy (the jars), painted with acrylics and sealed.

Pics and Auction:
How did you get her hair like that? :shock: I love that curl! lol I really like the design as well. I'm trying customs out but I'm not quite sure how to get the hair to look curly like that.
I absolutely love her hair, I also think the little jars of pb and j with the bread and knife are adorable.
Jelly curl

She is GREAT!!!! I love her, such a nice idea..yummy looking symbol andcute accessories!! You should make a Hoagie pony with sub roll, meat and toppings..hee hee..thanks for sharing!!! Do you have other pics of your customs?

smiles and nods

oooh, a linkie link..thanks.. I didnt even see it! Duh!!
Cool pics, thanks for sharing!
She's AWESOME! I love those little accessories! You did a fabulous job on her! :D
that is so cute! the bread looks so REAL... @__@ she needs a strawberry-jelly sister. :B
OMGosh I want that! *watches* That is an awesome pony, and she just made me
She is one of the best G3 customs I've seen so far! Honestly! I like the idea, something simple and not too flashy, somehow cozy. ^^

Her colors, curls and symbols are just wonderful and I love the accessories too! It's fabulous how her accessories fit with her symbol! Great work with painting her, too.

This kind of customs I love. Simple design, made with talent!
Gorgeous! I love what you do with Apoxie and Sculpy. Lovely choice of colors, too.

How did you curl RestoreDoll hair like that? All my attempts at curling it have failed, even the boiling water trick. On your site it says you wash and condition the hair first -- does that make it malleable?

Woosie I love your customs, and this one is my favorite.

For me a good custom is simple, and elegant...not 80 million hair colors, rhinestones, glittery symbols, gradient dyed hooves, tinsil, horns and wings.

She is the epitome of what my taste in ponies is...simple, well coordinated, and uses colors that aren't commonly found or combined.

The accessories are really cute too!
WOW~~!! She is very beautiful indeed! I love her colours, the curls are soo lovely! I also like the little Peanut Butter and Jam jars, how sweet!


Flutta pony drawn by me~~!
The curls are perfection woosie :)
Your customs are so unique, and I love the hair shades you put together, they work so well with each other.