Curling restoredoll hair question?



what is the hot water technique used to curl the hair? i found out the hard way that you can't use a curling iron for anything on the hair for anything. :( how hot does the water have to be and for how long do i need to submerge the hair?
curling restoredoll hair

When I curled restoredoll hair I wrapped it up with straws and bobby pins then boiled some water on the stove. Then I dipped the hair into the water and held it under for about five seconds then took it over to the sink and rinsed it with cold water. Then I repeated this two more times (although I think the first time probably set the curls just fine - I just wanted to be sure). I think someone else around here also just poured the boiling water over the ponies hair rather then dipping the hair into the pot of water. It really doesn't take too long in the water to set the curls though so go for the less is more approach here. Good luck. :D
Just adding to what mckwolfe said, after dipping (or dripping) in the hot water and then the cold water, leave the curlers in for about two or three days and do NOT blow dry. :)

I wrap the hair in curlers and dunk them in hot boiling water for 10 seconds. Then I stick them in an ice water bath for another 10 seconds. Then I let them dry for a 2 days or so, and then take out the curlers.

The curls will still fall out a little bit because gravity will pull them down...especially with the custom Rapunzel's I made they have a lot of hair so it's heavy. However it still retains a good amount of the wave, no matter what you do. You could wash the hair with water and the curl would still say set. So once you curl the hair, let it sit and have gravity do it's thing, the hair shouldn't move after that.

Good luck! If you have any more questions, you can send me a PM. Also, you can check out my Rapunzel comic to sort of get an idea of how I do it.
I came to this forum to ask the exact same question. Does anyone have pictures of the finished product? I have a potential commissioner who wants to know what curled katsilk hair looks like.
curling hair

Feral - here's a pic of a recent custom with restoredoll's hair in curls that I did.

