Corsetted custom G3 Rouge


Dollar Store Baby Fakie
Jun 7, 2005
Rouge is made from a yellow scooter pony..that one from Target. She was rerooted with Restoredoll's Caddy Red, CM Yellow, and Hot Pink. Her corset, boots, and anklet were hand sculpted from Apoxie Sculpt, painted with acrylics and sealed.

Oh man, I LOVE the corset and lacing. You did a lovely job on her! I also really like the hair color -- is that a custom blend?

Nope, not a custom blend by restoredoll. I just took the three colors and rehaired the pony in irregular streaks....3 plugs of yellow here, 2 plugs of red there..ya know ;) Had fun doing
Wow, it looks fantastic the way you've done it. Custom blends look like highlights to me, but yours does have a chunkier look to it now that you mention it. I never think to put hair on a pony that matches the body color but it really works with that one.

I'm also jealous of how your rehaired pony curls turned out (on other ponies on your website). I just curled my first Katsilk pony and it only came out so-so.
I love the colours! I think she's one of my favourites of yours.
i am so madly in LOVE with your corset ponies... i only wish i could afford one. ;___;
...and when the first pictures were pulling in, I was honestly wondering if you'd sculpted the laces or used actual ribbon. You? Rock. A lot.

~Storm Singer
You always do such an excellent job on these. How much would you charge for a commission?