Complete She-Ra Castle!


Current Glory Army: 103; Minty Army: 63
Oct 8, 2008
we went a yard-sailing today. my dad's work was habving free lunch and along the way there was a rumage sale so he took me, gracie, and MB along. and as we went we ran into more yard sales. so here's my massively awesome haul!


ok not actually from a yard sale; the dollar store. i was missing Sensational She-Hulk #14 so now i'm oly missing like half a dozen from having the complete series! they only came in 3 packs so i was bad and swapped out the other two i didn't want for Sabertooth classics #4 and Venom on Trial (#1 i think). i'll enjoys these much more than random throw away titles (like my toes? :D)


Twinkle Twirl's Dance Studio! It came with the 2 McPonys too for 50 cents. the 3D Royal Bouquet, Misty Blue, and Twinkle Bloom were all in a free box! And they all look great-just need some cleaning up. also got 2 ornament ponys. oh and those shoes were free too-idk if they fit me yet but they fit gracie ^^;


PV arcade i think-25 cents. came from the same place as the above stuff. see we stopped there in the morning and they had the G3 castle, this, and another PV set. i passed on the castle cause it was missing ALOT and they wants $5 for it. bt what killed me was that there was a lady there with a giant ziploc with G1s in it! i know for sure there was a lemon drop, i think either a sea foam green fakie for flutter, and i SWEAR i saw a gusty. iot killed me so bad that i was too distracted by the free boxes and missed that. i watched that lady like a hawk waiting for her to put it down-even said i was a collector and after them and asked if there was another bag, but no luck. on the bright side though, she was also picking up alot of little girl clothes so i'm telling myself that they're probably going to get played with and loved. but yeah...we stopped back on the way home incase the castle was still there; all they had was thisd arcade so i got it-it's brand new actually, still had packaging stuffs on it ^^;


2 free fakies from the same place; the smaller one is so freaky! and look! 2 vintage LPS! a dalmation and a yorkie. yorkie was free; dalmation cost me 10 cents. i love yard saling in Brandon; it's more of an antique place so they ALWAYS ghave great stuff. oh and does anyone know where that coam goes to? it looks familar to me but i can't place it...


some random free stuff. hot pink shot glasses, cell phone case, and a plastic polly pocket bag


ain't he gorgeous? a grand champions work horse. he was $1. little more than i wanted to give for him, but all the free stuff and the next thing more than makes up for it




what looks like to me to be a COMPLETE She-Ra castle! i had a castle growing up (hopefully i still do if my aunt and uncle didn't chuck it on me ><) but mine was JUST the castle; no doors/ windows, no thrown, no latches, nutin! but this thing-it's got EVERYTHING! AND it has a She-Ra with her clothes too! i so toally freaked out when i saw it. and you'll never guess how much i paid for it....$1!!! you should've seen me flipping out ^^; gracie had to help me get it into a bag cause i was going to drop it ^^;

So despite missing out on a bag of G1s i made out like a bandit! i only spent $2.85 and got a free lunch! life is goooood ^^

oh and cause MB kept trying to get into my castle shots

:reaper: Kat :reaper:
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Wow! Wicked finds! *smiles* Nice, so cool!
Wow. I have to go rummage sale-ing with you sometime. lol. Congrats on your awesome finds! :)
That She-Ra castle is sweeeet! I want to play at your house, haha.
What awesome finds!!

I remember having the She Ra Castle when I was younger. That brings back alot of memories!!:angel2: