Cake Pan!


Pony Clutz
Jul 5, 2005
so yardsales didn't happen too much today. It was gross and raininy. However I made it to four. The first three failed. The last one had cake pans and I figured "why not" Good thing I did. I got the rearing pony cake pan for $2!!! Now just to wash it and delicately knock the dents out of it.
That's awesome! That's a lovely pan and you'll have fun with it.
ummm...pony cake....
That's awesome! I would love to get a pony cake pan. :)
I have no idea when I'll actualy make a cake with it. I don't have a reason to yet. Thouh I'm thinking if I can figure out a way to design a horn for the cake I could make it a unicorn and it could be used for my silly game where the heraldry of the main noble is a rearing unicorn.
Turning it into a unicorn is exactly what my mom did for my 5th birthday party. She just made the cake as normal, then when she put it on a cake board, used Oreos to make the horn and frosted it to match the rest. :) My cake was Glory.
That's awesome, I wish I could find one for $2! I hope if you do make a cake, please post pictures in our pony cake thread!