Belated posting (very belated, in one case) about some 2023 acquisitions


Annoying piece of smooze
Feb 18, 2012
Back in April of 2023, I nabbed a lot of two ponies. Between schoolwork and getting distracted by other stuff, I completely failed to post about them.


But behold: Peach Blossom, and Forget-Me-Not. Peach Blossom is the one I really wanted; I've been borrowing the one I got for my mom for years, but now I finally truly have my own. Forget-Me-Not is a duplicate, and I have yet to decide what to do with her. I basically wound up with her because this lot proved the cheapest listing for Peach Blossom.




Much more recently (ordered on Christmas, arrived December 30th), I got my first Celestial Pony: Nova! I love her, and I love her box!
There's two versions of first set of flutters with mold variations. You might have one of each.
awesome ponies- congrats on nova! i'd love to grab a polaris someday :) she's the only one i want from the set of 4

i could probably make a thread about my 2023 acquisitions, i've been a bit slow on updating about that lately
The mylittlewiki website has side by side comparisons and I can add a picture after work. (Just google mylittlewiki and the name of any pony for a direct link to that entry)

But the head has a slightly different shape and the legs are in a slightly different position. I'm up to 4 Peach Blossom and need to double check a couple of mine.

Edit: It was kind of awkward taking pictures, but hopefully a ruler shows it better. And your Peach Blossom above appears like she might be the narrow version.

sidebyside.jpg Side by side, wide on left and slim on right.

widemold1.jpgslimmold1.jpg The face width difference is hard to see, but looks just under 2mm. It's more apparent in person.

widemold2.jpgslimmold2.jpg You can probably easily slide you pointer finger middle knuckle between the wider stance mold front legs. The thinner mold will slightly catch your finger. Leg warping and assembly will cause some variation, though.

The wider mold also has a bit more tilt to the head and a higher positioned tail.
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