Bee's Haani - old art


Lil Bee
Aug 4, 2005
This piece is almost a year old, but still fun ^_^.

It's my original pony character, Haani *play-on Honey*. She's basically the MLP version of my kittie-bee mascot, Wee-Bee.

Will I ever make a custom of her? Yes, some day, when I can figure out how to do her wings. ^^;


India ink, Dr. Martin dyes, black grease pencil, white colored pencil, white ink, white acrylic paint on cold press board.

I am taking commisions, if anyone is interested.

black and white lineart -- $20 to $40 depending on how complex the piece is and the size.
color -- $30 to $100 again depending on the complexity and size of the piece.



i be happy to make some free wings for her.. i would love to see the custom.. i don't mind making a couple of proto types and scanning them for you.. i'll pm you when they are done.. and you can choose.. did you want them to move??