$ Price Check $ Baby Lucky Leafy, Snail Rockers, Accessories, Pony Wear

Harmony Share

Singing Sea Pony
Sep 24, 2005
Sorry that this is so long! Thanks for any and all help. :005:

Baby Lucky Leaf

Purple and Pink Snail Rocker

BBE Lofty complete with accessories

BBE Shady with playpen, necklace, panties, duckpull

DNW Flicker's bottle

Fancy Pants Starburst- dish

3 Baby Necklaces- 2 pink with white, 1 white with pink

Baby Paws xylophone- no string

Great Skates ponywear

Tea Party ponywear

Parasol's blue star brush- rainbow sticker is slightly damaged

Moonstone's purple star brush- rainbow sticker is slightly damaged

Firely's purple star brush

Medley's pink star brush

Flower Brushes- purple, pink, green, and yellow

Pink, purple, and blue combs

Show Stable-missing a few pieces

Bumping this back to the first page. Can anyone help me?
I'll try and assist with a few items.

Brushes/combs etc.
Anything common, like early mlp stuff (shooting star, flowers etc) .25cents -$1.00

Great Skates and Tea Party
Complete? Roughly $5 per set.

Show Stable.
The shell itself is very expensive to ship, and that turns most buyers off. So, normally, on these very common early playsets I strip them remove doors, weathervane etc(unless the building is pristine, crisp with no sun yellowing or fading). The accessories, and parts together are worth about $10 - $15

Snail Rockers (set purp/pink together) $7- $10
Thanks for your help guys!!

Anybody know about Flicker's bottle, Starburst's dish, and the baby necklaces?