Are the MLP DVD's sold in stores??


Singing Sea Pony
Jun 22, 2005
I've been looking like crazy, and I can't find them anywhere! The only place I've seen them is on Ebay...but where do THEY get them??? I taped all of the episodes ever shown on Disney. And I saw the End of Flutter Valley playing at the convention and it came in so beautifully clear, that I need to get the DVD's. The disney channel episodes have that fuzzy effect. But I can't find them...HELP! Has anyone seen them in stores yet??
Do the DVDs not look fuzzy and old?
When I saw the End of Flutter Valley it was perfectly clear, I was amazed. So I'm guessing they have been digitally enhanced.
I've also seen the DVDs at BestBuy, they run between $40-50ish there. I so want them, but I'm waiting to see if they will drop in price first.


I just got mine MINT form they are fabulous and offer 2.95 shipping.
The DVD's were 30.00 I think.
Hugs, Kat