Alatariel's Accessory Wishlist

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Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jan 1, 2010
Not looking to buy atm, this is just for reference. ;)

* Cotton Candy
* Minty
* Blossom
* Blue Belle
* Lemon Drop
* Applejack
* Seashell
* Moondancer
* Glory
* Heart Throb
* Firefly
* Surprise
* Sparkler
* Gusty
* Princess Sparkle (US version)
* Coco Berry
* Peppermint Crunch
* Banana Surprise
* Sherbet
* Sniffles & Snookums (unicorn twins)
* Love Melody
* Nightglider
* SS North Star
* SS Paradise
* SS Magic Star
* SS Bouncy
* SS Twilight
* SS Taffy
* FT Baby Lickety Split
* TE Speedy
* TE Fizzy
* Trickles
* Yo-yo
* Squirmy
* Wiggles

Baby Accessories
Baby Cotton Candy
* Duck pull toy (with string)
NBT Sniffles and Snookums (unicorns)
* stroller
* 2 white bottles
* Yellow and aqua baby necklace
* White and purple baby necklace
* Diaper box
* 2 diapers
* Aqua and yellow stroller
NBT Milkweed and Tumbleweed
* Pink and white rattle
* Lavender and aqua rattle
* Diaper box
* 2 diapers
* 2 small white bottles
* Purple and pink bassinet
BBE Lickety Split
* yellow high chair with pink tray
* yellow spoon
FT Baby Lickety Split
* Aqua toothbrush
* Star panties
FT Baby Bouncy
* Zylophone with mallet
* Tooth pillow and tooth
* Pink toothpaste
* Blue toothbrush
FT Baby North Star
* Blue toothpaste
* Lavender toothbrush
* Star panties
FT Baby Quackers
* Tooth pillow and tooth
* Aqua toothpaste
* Pink toothbrush
* Stack toy w/ yellow, pink, aqua, lavender rings
* Star panties
NB Squirmy
* Small white bottle
NB Wiggles
* Small white bottle
NB Yo-yo
* Small white bottle

Princess Accessories
Princess Sparkle
* Pink pick
* Mint green bushwoolie, Hugster
Princess Primrose
* Light purple pick
* Dark purple wand
* Yellow bushwoolie, Chumster
Princess Tiffany
* Purple pick
* Dark blue wand
* Blue bushwoolie, Friendly

Sundae Best Accessories
Banana Surprise
* Pink candy comb
* Purple ice cream cone barrette
Coco Berry
* Purple candy comb
Crunch Berry
* Lavender ice cream cone barrette
Peppermint Crunch
* Blue lollipop brush
* Light aqua lollipop brush
* Yellow ice cream soda barrette
Swirly Whirly
* Pink candy comb
* Dark pink lollipop barrette

Brush and Grow Accessories
* Purple shooting star barrette
* Pink hearts in a row barrette
Braided Beauty
* White shooting star barrette
Curly Locks
* Purple shooting star barrette
* White hearts in a row barrette
Pretty Vision
* Blue shooting star barrette
* Green hearts in a row barrette

Candy Cane Pony Accessories
Mint Dreams
* Purple candy comb
* Yellow ice cream cone barrette
Sugar Sweet
* Blue candy comb
* Purple ice cream cone barrette

Mail Orders
* Lucky's bow tie

International Ponies
* Cookery pony aprons (4)

Pretty Parlor
* Pink Blanket
* Pink Basket
* Purple Strap
* Purple English Saddle
* Purple Bridle
* Purple Reins
* Yellow Straw Hat
* White Straw Hat
* Yellow Flower Hat
* White Flower Hat
* Peachy's Name Tag
* Blossom's Name Tag
* Blue Belle's Name tag
* Cotton Candy's Name Tag
* Minty's Name Tag
* Butterscotch's Name Tag
* Snuzzle's Name Tag
Satin Slipper Sweet Shoppe
* 2 yellow heart-shaped light fixtures
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