ACEO Big Brothers


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Oct 31, 2011
Thats right everyone look at these handsome fellows!

Still playing with different styles and I gotta say I think these are CUTE! I realized once I scanned them that I forgot to paint poor 4-speed but I will change that! I sat in front of my beloved Chief and Wig Wam and studied their faces till I felt it was perfect! I tried thicker and thinner lines too to give it a different feel. Not normally my style but I was trying to catch that g1 BB charm!

These are also for sale ($2 a card) or trade for other art, of hunt me down at the pony fair to see who is left by then of you're still interested!
You can read more about them here ACEOs for trade or sale
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Wow, Oh that is so awesome! I can't explain the love I have for this but it is wonderful!
Oooo! I love boyz! Rock-on! Handsome and divine, it..
You did it again!! Those boys are so gorgeous!! The boy pony's are all my favorites, I love draft horses and their furry little feet I just can't turn down.
I'm so jealous of your line work. And the eyes are just perfect G1 one style.
You did it again!! Those boys are so gorgeous!! The boy pony's are all my favorites, I love draft horses and their furry little feet I just can't turn down.
I'm so jealous of your line work. And the eyes are just perfect G1 one style.

well like I said on the arena, I kinda cheated here. I used a big brother toy as reference and actually focused on drawing him as oppose to drawing an ATC, which is why my style doesn't show in them. When I just draw a pony from mind it has my style but if I use a pony toy as reference I can get it pretty close to the g1 style. If I try using a toy and try drawing it in a different pose my style starts to bleed into it and you have a hasbro fox hybridization of art styles.
Oh so handsome! You captured them in the picture so well :smilepony: specially love the mane design <3
I just love these! They're so cute. The nine together would make a delightful poster, too!