G1 ISO G1 Blueberry Baskets, Paradise, and Locket


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Feb 21, 2024
These are my three favorite ponies and they keep slipping out of my grasp on eBay! Paradise has been hard to find in an unyellowed white state, and the other two are always out of my comfortable budget and if I do find them they get snatched before I can buy. This would be my first time buying off of MLPTP! :paradise:

I don't mind if they require some upkeep, I love restyling hair. Love my curly haired ponies.
I'm not a seller, but I do like to help scour the internet! I've also got access to some Dutch websites that you may not. What sort of price ranges would you be looking for for these ponies? I can find a few different ones, but I don't want to recommend sellers out of your range :tongue:
I'm not a seller, but I do like to help scour the internet! I've also got access to some Dutch websites that you may not. What sort of price ranges would you be looking for for these ponies? I can find a few different ones, but I don't want to recommend sellers out of your range :tongue:
I'm trying to spend around $30-$40 maximum with shipping (or less! But I've rarely seen Locket and Blueberry Baskets for less than that). I've only been looking at American eBay sellers so far.
Some Dutch sellers don't per se know what they have, so sometimes I can find pretty good deals! I also know however that sometimes you're just deep in the searching rabbithole, so things might pass by - and I genuinely enjoy looking around for a good deal! There's also surprising amounts of ponies on Etsy, of all places.

Blueberry Baskets:
This one is for sure over budget, but she's also by far the bluest I've spotted (link), and then there's these two, currently discounted and looking pretty alright for $40 (link1 and link2)? I can't say what US shipping quote would be like though.

Shipping from Canada, but at $22 and still fully flocked it seems and with outfit! A tad yellow as you say yourself, but that might be fixable with a little time in the sun (link) In fact I'm not kidding about Etsy, have a look: link

She's a tough one, but I found two ebay listings for 20 - 30$ in the US! (link1 and link2)

Maybe they're not all to your liking or in the condition you want, but still I so so hope you find your dream ponies here! It was fun trying to look for 'em :smile:
I have Locket but she has writing on her foot. I’ll go dig her out and take pics. I will send you a PM.
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