"Oh NO he didn't!!" ~*Corny Pick up Lines*~ V-Day Raffle! CONGRATS TO LUNAROSE8!!!

This thread is so full of cheesiness (is that a word?)- it's hilarious!! Keep them coming!
I can't believe no one has already posted this one.

Slugger: So baby, did it hurt?
DD: Did what hurt?
Slugger: When you fell from heaven.

I have heard this one before...
"Your eyes are like the ocean and baby, I'm lost at sea".
SLUGGER: "Hey little lady, if I were in charge of the alphabet, I'd put "U" and "I" together!"
Is there an airport nearby or is that just my heart taking off?

I love reading these:)
These are great!! I love them!
I'm not sure if this is a pickup line or not, but the first thing my husband ever said to me live and face to face was:

"You're taller than I thought you'd be. Will you help me carry my luggage?"
I was at a dance competition/show, at a night club watching the performers. I got a text message on my phone, and I went to read it. This guy next to me (using a lot of swearing that I won't add here) starts going off about people being rude using their phones, looking at texts etc (I did not know him). He was being quite aggressive. The place was packed, so I ignored him and watched this one dancer who was AMAZING. Next thing, he's trying small talk with me. I'm being short with him because A. he was just rude to me and B. I wanted to watch the show. So he says to me "Are you at all interested or am I just wasting my time?" ... HONESTLY, does that tactic ever work for guys???

Not in my world, but it's been used on me... I was sitting at a restaurant/bar, eating dinner and reading Newsweek. Just SCREAMS approach me, doesn't it? So this quite drunk man sits next to me and introduces himself. I say "hi" and go back to reading. Did not give him my name. He keeps moving my magazine, trying to get my attention. Breaks out the "Aren't you going to talk to me, am I not even a little more interesting than your magazine?" When I finally get fed up with him, I tell him straight up "I'm here for dinner. I'm not feeling sociable, this is not a good night." He then starts SWEARING at me, calling me names and accusing me of treating him like ****. I look at him for a minute, while the bartender wonders if he should interfere, and tell him "Yeah. You definitely know how to impress a girl. I'm absolutely swept away by being insulted and sworn at. Get lost." He wanders off, and then 5 minutes later COMES BACK and starts trying to talk to me again. Unbelievable.
Best part? I live in a very small town, and while he apparently didn't know me, I know him (by name). And he's married.

On the other hand, after he left the second time, another guy came and sat next to me, said hi, ordered dinner and read the newspaper. When he left, he apologized for not being able to block for me longer! :D
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"You're eyes are blue like the ocean and baby, I'm lost at sea"
:p Epic Corny
Slugger to DD: "Baby, I play the field and I think I just hit a home run with you"
Can I have your picture so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas? :declare:
Your daddy must have been a baker, because you've got a nice set of buns.
"I may not be the best looking guy in here, but I'm the only one talking to YOU."

I just ran across a bunch of others, but they're all dirty. :laugh:
I know one from my years in the goth scene..

"Nice boots..."

There is an understood ending to that sentence..just use your imagination.

Ok.. here's another..

Is there a rainbow today? I just found the treasure I've been searching for!

soooo bad. I can't really remember any used on me.. I'm kind of intimidating whan I don't want to be bothered.
I had someone who was trying to flirt with me (I don't do flirting... either on purpose or due to cluelessness depending o nthe situation heh) actually say "My apartment is so lonely..." OMG. DO GUYS REALLY SAY THAT? *And think we feel sorry for them*??? All I could do was stare in disbelief and order another beer. LOL!
My favorite: "Are you sure you're not an alien? 'Cause you've just abducted my heart."

I use it sometimes, and you can imagine how hard it would be to resist that one...
"You bring the dice, I'll bring the DM guide and we'll see what we roll."

Yep, that was used on me at a gaming store once...It was kinda funny but a little uncomfortable at the same time.
Someone said this to me once "do you wash your pants with windex? Because I can see myself in them!" Gag.