Pony Heritage Adopt *CLOSED*

Just quick question, are these supposed to have a white background or is my computer just being bratty again and not letting me save things properly?
Just quick question, are these supposed to have a white background or is my computer just being bratty again and not letting me save things properly?

Yes, they do have the white background.
If you don't know how to remove it, let me know and I'll make the background transparent for you. :D
Ooh! Please can you do that with mine please? Ooh thanks x

EDIT: Ive fixed it! Thanks anyway! x
5 spots open
Hope I got everything right, SoldieofTwilight! :D

3 spots open
I would like one!
(I think I'm Irish)lol
Pony would be Minty,please^^
Irish flag.
These are ADORABLE! I would love my persona NW with a Norwegian flag.

She's gray, an earthie, her hair is dark blue, medium blue and light blue with a blond streak. Tails is the same minus the blond. Eyes are gray and she has a crab drawn on her leg. Here's a few pics.



Much thankies! I LOVE these!
If you're still open, could I have one?


USA flag please. :)

Thank you! :worthy:
Yarrgh...I missed it again.

*crosses fingers that you will open again*
HeavyHooves and josiekat, I will put you both on the next list, when I reopen. :D

No more requests at this time, please
Thanks :)
I am going away for the weekend, and should reopen sometime next week.
If you're still open, could I have one?


USA flag please. :)

Thank you! :worthy:

Do you have a different reference you can post, Butterpony?
The photo isn't showing up. :(
2 pick ups
AWWWWW! Thank you Willow! ~Huge pony hugs~ She is just gorgeous beyond words! I LOVE her!
You're welcome everyone :D

Butterpony, the photo you posted isn't showing. :(
I know you have 2 personas, which one would you like?