weird 80's MIB doll Comes with pony stickers


Monty Python's Holy Grail
MLPTP Supporter
Jun 7, 2005
Oh! Sally Sticker Slicker!! I have one! I'll try to dig up the photos of the pony stickers this afternoon!

It looks like it was supposed to be a series of dolls, because there are 2 other shown on the back, but they have "Not Available" written on them.


Tif =:cool:
She's a Hasbro Softies doll, like the pony plushes. They had different Hasbro themed stickers in with them.

I have a catalog ad with them in it somewhere. I wish I could find it...
Here we go! A picture of the doll...


and a picture of the stickers


Neat, huh?

Tif =:cool:
Noooo they cut off Glory's horn.. *sniff* Now we'll have endless winter. :cry: Hehe.

Those are really neat..odd combination of items, but neat. :)

I've never seen her before, but those stickers are really cool, especially the rearing Bowtie! Is she htf, does anyone know?
I don't know what stickers the other dolls might have come with, it doesn't say (I would imagine the same assortment)

I don't know how hard to find she is. I bought mine recently on eBay, and it was the only one I had seen, except for the second one on eBay (that started this whole topic). I saw that second one twice on eBay, almost bid on her myself, but figured I already had one...

Tif =:cool: