Need some advice on removing smoke damage



Hey everyone, sorry it has been so long in writing, we are still trying to get Internet at home, no luck yet. Especially after this weekend. I need to know how to get smoke damage out of ponies. Our house caught fire on Friday...thankfully my collector ponies were not in it. However, my girls's ponies were, adn they are badly smoke damaged. I need to know how to get the smell out. Any help will be appreciated. We are staying at my in-laws until we can get the house fixed.

Talk to you all later,

P.S. i will be on here just about every day while I am here, as I can check things.
Hi there :). The only thing I've ever found to work quickly and effectively is bleach. Add a capful of bleach to a pony-sized container full of water, put the pony in, cover the container, and shake for about 45 seconds. It helps if you can pop off the pony's head, but it isn't absolutely necessary. Rinse well, wash with mild soap, condition hair, and dry with tail hole hanging down so all water drips out (unless you took off the head), and you should be good to go.
The other methods I've tried (that didn't do diddly) were: freezing the pony, boiling the pony, burying in kitty litter/baking soda, toothpaste, denture tabs.
Good luck!