Any tips on how to clean a doll house?

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Jun 25, 2014
Especially one with electric components? My bf found a 1998 Barbie Family House and I offered to clean it up. I was going to dunk it in the tub, but discovered upon id'ing that it uses batteries. Should I just rub a damp, soapy cloth? Or spray it with **** n span?
Just hand wash it gently with soap and water but don't like soak it so the electric will still work. I am jealousy been wanting a doll house for my Barbie forever lol.
Do the electronics still work? If not, I’d say dunk away. If they do use a mr clean magic earaser for stubborn areas but otherwise I often use things like Lysol wipes for a quick clean/disinfectant.

I have no idea. I'll check. Hopefully there are no corroded batteries.