1,000 Ways to get Kicked Outta Wal-Mart (Game)

Build a book fort. Get a plush dragon. Get a knife from the kitchen area. Slash it to shreds by fighting for your life and defend the Kingdom Of Bookworms
Open up all the dvds in the electronics department, grab some glue from the crafts dept and make a 6 foot high abstract art sculpture out of them (it can be done, my old workplace had one).
paint yourself green borrow a silver nightgown and shoes and get a toy zap gun and ask someone working there to take them to there leader.
Sneak into the back room where all the stuff is and use some things to have a tea party with some ponies that you find :winkpony:. Genius Bubbles strikes again.
Open the paper and pens/colored pencils/pencils and/or get a coloring book. Then draw poorly or paint like toddler on crack. Present your artwork to the Manager/Employees.

Or get some markers and paint someone's face!
This is something I've always wanted to do and have someone film the other shopper's reactions: Go into the store in a gorilla suit and go through the store, loading a basket with things like bananas, a banana creme pie... things like that. Or a rabbit suit and bunny tonnes of carrots, carrot cake mix, maybe some food coluring...

But I asked a manager about it once and he said security would probably make me leave unless they knew ahead of time someone was going to do something like that. Fooey.
This is something I've always wanted to do and have someone film the other shopper's reactions: Go into the store in a gorilla suit and go through the store, loading a basket with things like bananas, a banana creme pie... things like that. Or a rabbit suit and bunny tonnes of carrots, carrot cake mix, maybe some food coluring...

But I asked a manager about it once and he said security would probably make me leave unless they knew ahead of time someone was going to do something like that. Fooey.
I would LOVE to do that.

But dress as a cat and stare at fish food/Things. MUHUAHAHAHAHA
Go through the store and cry like a child that's lost their parent. See if you can get some well meaning person to escort you to the front then ask the desk clerk to please page your mommy. Have a friend show up, acting like you're their kid and have them scold you in front of everyone, claiming you're actually only 10, but very big for your age.