You guys have to see the G1 MLP Unicorn Skull Replica on Etsy

Leave a Whisper

Proud Member of Ponyholics R We
MLPTP Supporter
Jun 25, 2014
I'd kinda like to see what they'd do with a Pegasus or sea pony skeleton replica...
I really dig it. Their art is really beautiful too.

I love skulls!
It...pretty much creeps me out. Granted the detailed work is gorgeous and all. Skulls are just not my thing.

...Nevermind that I'm a huge Nightmare Before Christmas fan. Claymation skulls are totally different...right? :unsure:
Nightmare before christmas has cute cartoony skulls. I guess you have to be into macabre stuff to want that skull. I would totally buy it, heh. I guess I'm twisted.
My entire den is decorated in a Day of the Dead motif, skeletons on the cabinet doors and all. I could make good use of it.

Plus, I have to admit right here, I have a huge tub of real skulls and bones. I think skulls in particular are beautiful pieces of art. Most of them belong to critters that passed away and I can tell you who they are by just looking at them. When an animal here dies, I leave their body for Old Man Coyote, then retrieve what bones are left later. I keep the skull if it's there and bury the rest.

I know it sounds macabre, but I'm a Choctaw and we were once known as Bone Pickers. Keeping the bones of loved ones is sort of traditional, though they didn't do it like I do it now. I'm creepy I know. Call me foofoo Addams.
My entire den is decorated in a Day of the Dead motif, skeletons on the cabinet doors and all. I could make good use of it.

Plus, I have to admit right here, I have a huge tub of real skulls and bones. I think skulls in particular are beautiful pieces of art. Most of them belong to critters that passed away and I can tell you who they are by just looking at them. When an animal here dies, I leave their body for Old Man Coyote, then retrieve what bones are left later. I keep the skull if it's there and bury the rest.

I know it sounds macabre, but I'm a Choctaw and we were once known as Bone Pickers. Keeping the bones of loved ones is sort of traditional, though they didn't do it like I do it now. I'm creepy I know. Call me foofoo Addams.

*snaps fingers twice* I didn't know that about the Choctaw foofoo that's really interesting history, plus there are people who have some very macabre displays of remains. (I would love to visit the muter's museum of medical oddities one day) and plenty of museums have animal and sometimes people's remains so looked at that way its not as uncommon as some might think.
Oh, I would adore going to Muter's one day. we should go together! lol! I bet it's so cool in there. I've watched some amazing documentaries about it, and it's all so very fascinating to me. I actually was going to go into biological illustration in college, then thought, "Do you really want to draw vivisected pig fetuses your whole life?" so I went into psychology. heh.

Totally shoulda stayed with the pig fetuses. :lolpony:
Awesome art but little bit creeps me out :p. Still I'm drawn to it.. (and I would not sleep a wink after getting the head, too scared :D )
Oh, I would adore going to Muter's one day. we should go together! lol! I bet it's so cool in there. I've watched some amazing documentaries about it, and it's all so very fascinating to me. I actually was going to go into biological illustration in college, then thought, "Do you really want to draw vivisected pig fetuses your whole life?" so I went into psychology. heh.

Totally shoulda stayed with the pig fetuses. :lolpony:

*puts on monocle* Dr. Bunnyfreud I preshume?